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The Best Supplements for Women

The Best Supplements for Women

Nutronics Labs |

Is Your Diet Leaving You Malnourished? 

It sounds like a sensational headline for sure. But whether you’re a drive-through Sue or a whole-foods Hannah, you’re probably not getting the nutrition you need to feel your best. Read on to discover how, no matter what you’re eating, you’re still missing out on key nutrients (and what supplements you’ll want to pay attention to in order to perform at your peak).

Let’s face it – people these days are busy. The pace of life has quickened, and it’s not always easy to keep up. Women today face many challenges as they try to balance work and family life, along with their health. If this describes you, these demands can leave you feeling physically and mentally drained.

Luckily, there are now supplements on the market that can help you maintain high energy levels, while supporting your overall health. Some of the best supplements for women contain IGF-1 in the form of deer antler velvet. These supplements are safe for women to take and have many health benefits.

Why you’re lacking key nutrients, no matter what you’re eating.

It’s probably easy to realize that a fast-food diet isn’t the healthiest, right? But chances are good that you think an organic or whole-food diet would give you everything you need to feel great. 

In fact, when you think about modern food and its drawbacks, you might think back to your grandparents and great grandparents as examples of people who ate more simply but often better. 

Before supermarkets dotted the landscape of neighborhoods, it was common for families to plant gardens to have a reliable, cost-effective source of fruits and vegetables. 

But even if you planted that same garden outside in your backyard and ate perfectly cleanly, it wouldn’t be the same – here’s why. 

  • Soils have been depleted of key vitamins and minerals over the years. 
  • If the soil doesn’t have important nutrients, whatever’s being grown can’t obtain those precious vitamins and minerals from the soil.
  •  Even if you eat perfectly, you’re missing key nutrients and need supplementation. 

If you’re eating on the run – it gets worse. 

And if you’re like the majority of women, busy with career, family, and life, you’re probably not eating perfectly. If you want to be on your A-game, it’s time to learn about the key supplements all women need.

So what are the most useful supplements for women?  

  • Multivitamin
  • B-vitamins
  • Vitamin K
  • Probiotics 
  • IGF-1

Why are these the best supplements for women?  

Multivitamin for WomenOne of the first supplements for women you might consider is a high-quality multivitamin. 

When considering a multivitamin, it’s important to get one just for women. Why? Because the needs of men and women are different, and the best multivitamin for women will be one that is formulated for your precise needs. 

But getting specific doesn’t end there.  

Women’s needs vary throughout their lives as well.  The best multivitamin in your 20s might not be the ideal one in your 40s and 50s

Multivitamins target key nutrient needs.  According to recent research, only 10% of women are eating enough fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. This means that a quality multivitamin is key to addressing and preventing deficiencies that can contribute to poor health. 

This Common Medication May Boost Your Need for B-Vitamin Supplements

Whole-food forms of B vitamins include cage-free eggs, leafy green vegetables, and meat (especially beef liver). 

However, research has revealed that hormonal contraceptives (aka the birth control pill) may cause decreases in the levels of B-vitamins in the bloodstream of women who take them

Hormone replacement therapy also can have this effect. Given that these medications are usually taken over a period of years, even a small deficiency can add up over time. In particular, vitamin B-6 appears to be metabolized differently in women who take birth control pills and hormone replacement. 

Aging also affects B-vitamin absorption

As women age, their risk of B-vitamin deficiency increases. This means it’s important to work with a doctor or nutritionist to monitor vitamin levels and make sure you’re not developing a deficiency without even knowing it.  

Vitamin B-9Folic acid is the name of one form of vitamin B-9, which is another B-vitamin that may need to be supplemented in women who take birth control pills. In some cases, women who take prescription hormones either for replacement therapy or for birth control develop a deficiency in vitamin B-9. 

While folic acid is the more commonly known form of this vitamin, some women metabolize vitamin B-9 better in a different form known as folate. 

Want Strong Bones? Make Sure You Include This Key Vitamin

Vitamin K1 and K2Most women have heard the message that the mineral calcium is important for building strong bones. But it’s also important to pair it with vitamin K, which comes in 2 forms, K1 and K2.  If you’ve been taking antibiotics frequently or for long periods of time, chances are good you’re deficient in vitamin K. 

Sources of Vitamin K1 and K2Depleted soils aside, common food sources of Vitamin K1 include colorful veggies such as broccoli and leafy greens. Vitamin K2 is best obtained from animal sources such as cage-free eggs and fish. 

Vitamins, Minerals, and These Key Supplements Help You Feel Your Best

Probiotics for digestion and mental healthBesides getting a wide range of vitamins and minerals, research is discovering other key supplements that can help boost your wellness, vibrancy, and alertness.  Probiotics are a key part of a healthy digestive tract – but their benefit for your mental health is proven, too!

Support Healthy Tissues in Your 20s, 30s, and Beyond

Surprisingly, it doesn’t take until middle age for your connective tissues to begin experiencing a loss of firmness and support. 

  • A decrease in production of insulin growth factor, or IGF-1 actually begins in your 20s. 
  • This causes a decrease in synthesis of collagen and weakened cartilage, among other health concerns. 

Modern Health Challenges

Do you ever find that you don’t have time to sit down for a balanced meal and stay on top of your exercise regimen? You’re being pulled in so many different directions (family, career, etc.), that it can be hard to catch your breath. In this situation, it’s often tempting to reach for another cup of coffee for energy and fast food to keep you going.

However, this isn’t sustainable, and it could leave you suffering from fatigue and unhealthy weight gain. It doesn’t have to be like this, though!

Healthy Living for Busy Women

Simple changes to your daily and weekly routines can make an enormous difference in your health.

  • Food preparation days - The best way to avoid the drive-throughs and vending machines is to be prepared. Many busy women have a dedicated preparation day (usually Saturday or Sunday) to organize their meals for the week ahead. This will ensure you have a lot of convenient healthy meals and snacks at hand, and you won’t be scrambling at the last minute or resort to unhealthy substitutes.
  • Me time - Having a busy life often means putting the needs of others before your own. This practice can leave you feeling stressed, which can lead to fatigue and weight gain. Therefore, you must schedule regular time for yourself to do the things that you enjoy, such as going for a walk, reading a book, playing a game, meeting friends, or doing yoga.
  • Keep moving - You don’t need to be in the gym every day to be fit and healthy. Going for walks, moving around the office throughout the day, doing stretches in the morning, or staying active with your family can help you feel energized.
  • Establish a sleep routine – Lack of sleep is a hidden culprit that can wreak havoc on your health. Sufficient sleep keeps your body energized and your mind focused. Setting a regular bedtime (and sticking to it), and minimizing screen time in the evening, will help your quality of sleep and set the foundation for improved physical and mental health.
  • Supplements - A healthy diet combined with adequate exercise and rest is essential for the body to heal itself and maintain overall vitality. But with the modern diet, it’s rare to get everything your body needs with only the food you eat. So it makes sense to add supplements to your daily plan.

What Supplements Do I Need?

If you’re feeling tired and struggling to focus, then you maybe need to add some more iron or protein to your diet. Getting some blood work done is usually a good starting point, as it can highlight any vitamins and minerals where you may be deficient. From there, you can add some essential natural supplements.

  • Weight loss supplements for women - B vitamins are essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism.
  • Energy supplements for women - Vitamin B12 and iron are great, as is beetroot powder.
  • Best workout supplements for women - ensuring that you get enough protein and creatine is crucial if you want effective workouts.
  • Hair growth supplements for women - a multi-vitamin complex is usually a good starting point.

One supplement that is unique due to its ability to meet all of these needs is IGF-1. Humans produce it in large quantities when they are going through puberty, as it helps the bones and tissues of the body to grow and mature. However, once we enter adulthood, our IGF-1 levels drastically drop off. This is a problem because IGF-1 has an anabolic effect on adults, helping to develop new tissues and maintain bone density.

Chinese medicine has been utilizing the essential qualities of IGF-1 from deer antler velvet for centuries. Healers have used deer antler velvet supplements as a general tonic and to treat a wide variety of conditions.

What Are Deer Antler Velvet Supplements?

One rich source of IGF-1 is found in the soft velvety covering of deer antlers. This deer antler velvet can help heal cartilage damage in joints and tendons, improve joint health, and even strengthen the heart muscle. 

Deer antler velvet supplements from reputable sources can be a key part of an anti-aging supplement routine designed to help every woman feel her best, regardless of the stage of life.  

Choosing a supplementation routine can take some research to find the right balance for your particular needs. But by paying attention to your body, addressing any gaps, and correcting any deficiencies early, it’s possible to enjoy your best health ever as a woman, no matter your age.  

What Are the Health Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet Supplements For Women?

Deer antler velvet supplements have been used for centuries in China, Korea, and Russia as a versatile tonic. However, recent data has shown that deer antler velvet has many health benefits for women and is fast becoming a popular and effective supplement across the world.

Managing Weight

If you are concerned about your weight, deer antler velvet is one of the best fat burning supplements for women on the market today. The high levels of IGF-1 help to lower levels of cholesterol and burn unwanted fat. You will also feel more energized, so you’ll be able to stay in the gym for longer and recover faster.

IGF-1 also helps to maintain an optimum level of metabolism, so it will work alongside a balanced diet to keep you looking fit and trim.

Energy Boosting

Another reason women are turning to deer antler velvet is that it can help increase energy levels by: 

  • Improving sleep
  • Supporting the immune system
  • Relieving the symptoms of stress

Other Benefits for Women

In addition to its use for weight control and boosting energy, deer antler velvet supplements have many additional benefits for women, such as:

  • Anti-aging effects (9)
  • Hair growth
  • Strengthened memory functions
  • Joint and bone health advancement

Are IGF-1 Supplements Safe for Women?

The good news is that IGF-1 supplements are perfectly safe for women to take. So, if you are looking for the best supplement for weight control or to boost your energy levels, IGF-1 will be ideal for you.

Where Can I Find Deer Antler Velvet Supplements?

If you are looking to improve your energy levels or need help with weight control, then we have a selection of deer antler velvet sprays ethically sourced from New Zealand. You get our 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee, and we offer huge savings if you sign up for our Autoship program.

Take a look at our selection at the link below:

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