If you’re researching the benefits Deer Antler Velvet/IGF-1, it’s likely that you’re already interested in leading the healthiest lifestyle possible. So why settle for anything less than the most powerful and potent deer antler spray ?
People who are committed to their wellness deserve more than half-hearted efforts. Yet that’s exactly what countless people are given when they buy deer antler velvet from some nutritional supplement retailers. A lot of companies will try to sell you empty statements claiming that their product contains the highest concentration of deer antler velvet on the market. What most people don’t realize is that this concept itself is flawed. In reality, the potency of a product is not actually about the milligrams of deer antler velvet in it, but the amount of IGF-1 (Growth Factor 1) it contains. The vast majority of the pills and powders you’ll find on the market contain minimal amounts of IGF-1, leaving them incapable of providing anything but minimal benefits.
For the best results you need a product made with pure deer antler velvet extract containing IGF-1. Raising and maintaining your IGF-1 levels safely and naturally is what can help promote a strong heart, help build a powerful immune system, and help support healthy weight loss. IGF-1 is also a premier muscle, heart, and anti-aging factor.
Nutronics Labs has recognized the value of deer antler velvet extract and IGF-1 from the very beginning. That’s why our formula is the strongest and purest in the world. We have done lab tests to compare our deer antler spray with others on the market and have found that other products’ IGF-1 levels can hardly compare with our lowest formulation, Ultra Plus. It goes without saying that no other product even competes with our IGF-1 Platinum formula that contains 300,000 ng of IGF-1, IGF-2 & other growth factors. We’re the only company that can offer such a wide range of products and strengths. This is how we’ve been the leading seller of deer antler spray for over 25 years. We value our customers, and that’s why we have a team of experienced medical professionals and scientists who ensure we continue to offer the highest quality products. If you’re interested in deer antler velvet spray, don’t waste your time and money on inferior products that offer the bare minimum. Strive to feel your best and choose Nutronics Labs.