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The Importance of Good Sleep

The Importance of Good Sleep

Nutronics Labs |

Even though it is recommended that adults get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that more than a quarter of the U.S. population said they don’t always get enough sleep and nearly 10% reported chronic insomnia. But this problem isn’t just an American one; a survey from 2013 showed UK adults were getting less sleep than they were a year earlier. Look at sleep statistics for countries around the world and you quickly notice a trend: millions of people are not getting an adequate night of sleep.

Good sleep is a marker of good health. Without satisfactory rest, your energy and vitality are bound to suffer. Insufficient sleep has been linked to memory loss, obesity, and increased risk of stroke and certain types of cancer. Furthermore, in your day to day life, a bad night of sleep makes it difficult to concentrate on your work, hobbies, and relationships.

Many people are hesitant about the use of drugs for improving their troubled sleep. If you’re one of these people, you’ll be happy to hear that there are alternatives that can promote a better night of sleep. Valerian root has been praised as a natural sleep aid since ancient Greek periods and is still widely used in Europe today. Its name is derived from the Latin word meaning “to be strong and healthy.”

Valerian can support a healthy night of rest, free from stress and anxiety. In a double blind study published by American Family Physician in 2003, valerian was shown to improve sleep latency (the number of minutes it takes to fall asleep), improve deep sleep, and instill a better sense of sleep overall.

Passion flower is also commonly recommended to people who suffer from insomnia. In 1985, it was officially approved by Germany’s Commission E as a treatment for “nervous-unrest”. It works best when combined with other similar herbs such as valerian.

Now we have combined valerian root with both passion flower and melatonin (the hormone of sleep) to create Sleep Miracle, a natural sleep aid with a sublingual delivery system designed for people with troubled sleep. The addition of melatonin makes this an optimal blend of sleep supportive ingredients. The pineal gland hormone melatonin has powerful antioxidant properties and has been shown to influence sleep and decrease fatigue. Some research has even suggested it may have anti-aging components that can increase longevity.

These natural ingredients support a healthy night of sleep and won’t leave you drowsy or overtired the next day as some sleep drugs do. If you want a safe, non-addictive formula that can promote better sleep so you feel sufficiently rested when you wake up, consider Sleep Miracle. Sleep is the backbone of overall health, so don’t neglect it. Start working towards your best night of sleep today.

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