Nanograms of IGF-1 vs Milligrams of Deer Antler Velvet

Nanograms of IGF-1 vs Milligrams of Deer Antler Velvet

What matters most in Deer Antler products? Nanograms of IGF-1 or milligrams of Deer Antler Velvet? Fact-- the key component in Deer Antler products is the amount of IGF-1 that the supplement contains, not the amount of Deer Antler Velvet in it. IGF-1 is measured in nanograms, Deer Antler Velvet in milligrams. Don't be fooled by companies that emphasize how many milligrams of Deer Antler Velvet is in their supplement. If they don't mention the amount of IGF-1 that's in it, it's more than likely because it's extremely low and insignificant. Do not settle for inferior Deer Antler supplements. Smart consumers expect to know the amount of IGF-1 that the product actually contains. You can trust that Nutronics Labs offers the purest and most potent Deer Antler Velvet/IGF-1 supplements on the market.


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Wholesale Info

Dr. Bruce Fong, D.O., H.M.D.

Medical Director at Nutronics Labs

"We are pioneers in Integrative Medicine, blending the best conventional medicine with the best alternative therapies. Nutronics Labs Deer antler spray is a vital component of our holistic approach to healing patients."


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