IGF-1 Can help With Heart Function

IGF-1 Can help With Heart Function

IGF-1 has a Multitude of Health and Wellness Benefits, which includes helping to Preserve Cardiac Function. In a randomized, double blind human study, IGF-1 stimulated a Significant Increase in Strength and Efficiency of Heart Function. These people had severely damaged hearts, but still realized an Increase in Blood Volume Pumped through the Heart. The studies also indicate IGF-1 helps preserve cardiac function in normal, healthy people as well. The importance of these studies suggests there can be a Tremendous Benefit by regular use of Nutronics Labs IGF-1 Plus products for helping to Improve Heart Function.

Associate professor of medicine and bio/chemistry at University of California Irvine, Dr. Ping Wang, has stated "People with low levels of IGF-1 who had heart attacks had poorer recovery rates than heart attack victims with higher levels of the growth factor" (IGF-1). Wang also said that "This study helps us further understand how IGF-1 helps protect the heart muscle." Nutronics Labs IGF-1 Plus can help your Heart Function More Efficiently. People young and old have already experienced the Incredible Benefits of

Nutronics Labs Deer Antler Velvet/IGF-1 products for Acquiring and Maintaining Lean Muscle. Remember, Nutronics Labs IGF-1 Plus can help Strengthen the Most Important Muscle in your Body.....The Human Heart! If you'd like to make sure that your supply of IGF-1 Plus doesn't run out join the Nutronics Labs Autoship Program Now!

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Wholesale Info

Dr. Bruce Fong, D.O., H.M.D.

Medical Director at Nutronics Labs

"We are pioneers in Integrative Medicine, blending the best conventional medicine with the best alternative therapies. Nutronics Labs Deer antler spray is a vital component of our holistic approach to healing patients."


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